Women’s Ministry Info
The goal of FCC's Women's Ministry is to see women become faithful followers of Jesus who hold fast to the Gospel as we grow in rich theological understanding, practical holiness, and boldness to engage in Gospel conversations.
Upcoming Events
TRUTH Together - March 25, 2025
Women’s Retreat - April 25-27, 2025
Titus 2
Discipleship Groups
The purpose of our Titus 2 discipleship groups is to come along-side women in all stages of life and spiritual maturity to provide encouragement, to help women establish relationships with other women, and to help women learn to apply Biblical principles in their relationships and circumstances as they seek to live for the glory of God.
These small groups of 3-4 women meet at least once a month with an older believer and commit for one semester at a time (3-6 months).
These groups are open to all women, ages 16 and up. If you are interested in joining a Titus 2 discipleship group, please contact Pam Carson or go to our FAQ page for more information.
Connect Events
Connect Events are fun times for women to connect with other women and fellowship together! These can include things like movie nights, luncheons, community service, and more. If you are interested in hosting a connect event, please contact Melanie Reeve.
Theme for March: The Body of Christ
Word-Filled Women's Ministry by Furman & Nielson
The Bible is clear that women as well as men are created in God's image and intended to serve him with their lives. But what does this look like for women in the church?
A Quest for Godliness by J.I. Packer
In a time of failing vision and decaying values, this powerful portrait of the Puritans is a beacon of hope that calls Christians to radical commitment and action, both of which are desperately needed today.
Growing Together by Melissa Kruger
Women in all seasons of life can feel alone, longing for encouragement, guidance, and wisdom. Each lesson focuses on a topic such as God's word, prayer, contentment, temptation, and church.
Total Church by Chester & Timmis
Chester and Timmis first outline the biblical case for making gospel and community central and then apply this dual focus to evangelism, social involvement, church planting, world missions, discipleship, pastoral care, spirituality, theology, apologetics, youth and children's work.
United - Captured by God’s Vision for Diversity by Trillia Newbell
What’s the view from where you worship—racially diverse or racially monochrome? On the Last Day every tongue and tribe will be represented in the glorious chorus praising God with one voice. Yet today our churches remain segregated. Can we reflect the beauty of the last day this day?
Praying Together by Megan Hill
While personal prayer is important, God designed the church to be a community of believers who regularly pray together. Exploring the Bible’s rich teaching on what it means to gather at God’s throne with one voice, Hill lays a theological foundation for corporate prayer and offers practical guidance for making it a reality.